I think I say this at the end of every month but seriously guys, where did April go? We finally have been experiencing some better weather in Connecticut and that makes me a happy girl. Cue victory lap.
The skies were kind of crazy the other afternoon, and I took this in a parking lot surprisingly enough.
OMG guys. Game of Thrones is BACK. Finally! If you don’t watch it you’re dumb. Just kidding, but you should watch it. I totally didn’t think I would like the show when Zack suggested it (he saw season 1 on deployment and told me about it when he got home) but I did. Unfortunately, he told me about it because I walked into the room for the last 10 minutes of Season 1, Episode 9 – which as GoT fans know, episode 9 usually has some crazy stuff going on and what happened that episode. Anyways, so far Season 5 is awesome. 3 favorite characters – Daenerys, Arya, Jon. And as soon as I say that I’m like what about Tyrion, or Dario, or Jacqen H’ghar (or No One?)?! Where are my fellow fan people at?
So this month I got my first and only (which I maintain even though almost everyone says I’ll change my mind and want more) tattoo. If I’m being honest, I was really scared. Not that I would regret it or anything, but that it was going to hurt to the point where I wouldn’t be able to finish. I’m definitely a worrier, and when something is on my mind I always research it to death. I don’t know what my pain tolerance is, I would say probably average to a little bit of a baby but I didn’t know for sure. Well, I didn’t chicken out – which a lot of people thought I would apparently – and I did it! I won’t lie and it did hurt, quite a bit, but I sucked it up and toughed it out. I got it on my inner forearm and it’s pretty much healed up at this point. It’s still weird to see something on my body that’s super permanent. I’m glad I did it though!
The dogs are shedding, like crazy. Huck always sheds quite a bit, but usually I only need to sweep maybe twice a week and vacuum once a week. Sawyer doesn’t shed nearly as much, but he is x100 right now. I’m pretty sure they are getting rid of their winter coats, but it’s been a few weeks of vacuuming every day, and everything is still covered. It’s basically impossible to keep the house clean despite all the cleaning and brushing them. We are really hoping it ends soon! Any other sufferers?
Earlier this month I attended a photography meetup and got to meet some other CT photographers. Part of me dreads doing things like that, not because I don’t like social gatherings or meeting people, but because its out of my comfort zone. I always feel very anxious, awkward and shy meeting new people, but it’s something I’m trying to get over so I make myself go. This job can sometimes be a little lonely because many of us work for ourselves so these communities are like finding colleagues at the office. When you find the right community, it’s always nice to become part of it and have that network of people to talk to that understand. It was really nice to meet some new people and hopefully friends 🙂