Connecticut, and New England I feel like just initiated us into their winter gang. Thanks for that? The news was reporting that we could get up to about 30 inches of snow. I’m not exactly sure how much we got because some areas only have about 14 inches and some places seem to have about 3 feet. It’s a lot though.
I don’t really dislike snow, but I think I like about 24 hours of it and then I would love if it all melted. Even though I spent half my life in Phoenix where it really never snows or even approaches a temperature where snow would be feasible, I’ve seen my fair share. My childhood was spent in rural Virginia where snow was pretty common in the winter. One of the last winters we lived there before moving to Phoenix we actually got a pretty bad snow and ice storm. We didn’t have power for a few days and had to stay in a hotel. I remember it being exciting, but that was most likely a pain in the ass for my parents.
Last winter, in Virginia Beach we actually got a pretty good snow and got about a foot which is a lot for down there. So I’ve experienced snow before, but I knew moving to Connecticut we were bound to see more. A lot more.
We have managed to shovel the driveway out, which was a lot of work. Thankfully one of our neighbors who has a mini plow helped us out. Now, it’s kind of pretty because today is sunny. Honestly though, I don’t know if I’m ready to tackle driving on hilly snowy roads yet. So hopefully it will melt soon. I don’t really see that happening though.
Sawyer was really enjoying the snow yesterday.
You can see the snow banks from us shoveling, and that my car isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
We have some pretty precarious looking snow hanging off the roof. lol
I was so excited that our wreath which has a dusting of fake snow on it, now has a dusting of REAL snow too lol.
16 degrees, not including wind. Brr!